Category Archives: Child Care
What Is a Child’s Emotional Cup?
Every child is likened to a cup that needs to be filled with love, affection, attention, adventure, security, and many more. Early childhood education can also be a big factor for children to learn how to fill their cups and when to re-fill them. This educational program for children can help develop character. So … Continue reading
Talking About Feelings with Children
It is normal for kids to have all sorts of feelings such as fear, sadness, anxiety, anger, and disappointment – we have all gone through the same things growing up. The parent’s responsibility here is to help their children cope with big feelings, to teach them how to calm themselves in difficult situations involving complex … Continue reading
Easy Tips to Teach Your Toddler at Home
Lots of parents are finding themselves trying to homeschool their children with the ongoing crisis that society has yet to find a solution to. After all, they need to keep their children on schedule with their lessons. And while it may be easier to teach your children a number of things while stuck at home, … Continue reading
Benefits of Teaching Nursery Rhymes
Nursery rhymes are the big pop hits for toddlers and preschoolers. They hear and learn it at home or their daycare institution. Not only are these songs fun, but they also aid the learning process and cognitive development of the child. Nursery rhymes help in developing linguistic and hearing skills. Here are some more ways … Continue reading
Ways to Tame Your Kid’s Tantrums
When your kid’s in the middle of a tantrum, it can be tough to keep yourself from having your own meltdown, too. “Young kids—namely those between the ages of 1 and 4—haven’t developed good coping skills yet. They tend to just lose it instead,” Ray Levy, Ph.D., a Dallas-based clinical psychologist explains. Every single tantrum … Continue reading
Everyday Mathematics with Kids
Children slowly build informal mathematical knowledge, beginning in the first few months of life. Daycare offers firsthand exploration important for learning mathematics. As infants, children begin to use their everyday experiences to construct a variety of fundamental mathematical concepts and strategies. Early life experiences help construct essential skills such as problem-solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, … Continue reading